Golden Egg Check Capital
Investing in the best companies together with the best investors
Golden Egg Check Capital is a hands-off co-investment fund that invests small tickets (convertible, SAFE or equity up to €50k) in a round together with great angels and venture capital funds with domain knowledge that offer hands-on support where needed.
GEC Capital believes in complementary teams with international ambitions and scalable technology also they are broadly interested in terms of market- and technology domains, including in Fintech, SaaS, AI, Computer Vision, Deep Tech and Web3. On top of capital this funds offers access to relevant investors for your current and next investment rounds. In this way they can help you to close your round fast.
Golden Egg Check Capital invests from early (pre-seed) to late (Series B+), but they always seek a relationship between funding need, valuation and traction that makes sense to them.